Meditation and Mindfulness
Meditation isn’t about canceling thoughts. It’s about creating space for stillness and awareness. Over time, the content and the pace of our thoughts naturally slows and becomes more peaceful.
Whether you’re a long-time mindfulness enthusiast or brand new to the concept, you’ll find each of these practices full of helpful imagery and prompts.
Classes and workshops designed to help lower stress and increase enjoyment of life
Healing Sessions: Not just for the hippies in the bunch!
You don’t have to get all woo-woo to enjoy the benefits of energy healing. In the end, it comes down to science, anyway: We’re all just a bunch of waves and particles moving at different speeds. These healing sessions help make sure those waves and particles are in good working order. That’s it!
If any of these pique your curiosity, you may be more open than you realize! At some point down the line, I encourage you to take a peek at the path of the Aspiring Alchemist. Until then, happy healing!