Alchemy for the Soul
EXPERIENCE TRUE MAGICK in this dimension
Deep down, you’ve always known there’s more to life than what the physical plane shows. You may have caught glimpses of the truth beyond this dimension, on and off, since you were a child.
The Lineage of King Salomon holds the keys to multidimensional wisdom and information. In many ways, it’s our handbook for living in these bodies on planet Earth. All you have to do is open your heart to the possibilities you’ve been told your entire life to forget or ignore … and then watch your world overflow with joy, creativity, and abundance.
When you’re ready to start experiencing true magick, here’s the path to that progression:
DNA Activation Series: This is where it all begins …. Get ready to unlock information and access to your your genetic family, angels, arch-angels, mythological beings, and Masters of Light with this transformative series only offered through the wisdom of the Modern Mystery School’s ancient Hermetic teachings.
Empower Thyself Initiation: A 2-day program and initiation into the Lineage of King Salomon. This program offers powerful tools and teachings to accelerate your journey of self-actualization and self-expression.
Pursue the Path of the Healer and/or the Path of Self-Mastery
Galactic Activation: We are citizens of the Milky Way; not just Planet Earth. This activation helps us make the next leap in human consciousness by showing us our interconnectedness as universal citizens and by expanding our awareness beyond our horizons.
Classes you’ll need before beginning Step 2
All interested in the Path of the Healer (second-step initiation) must first complete the following classes:
Further Mystery School classes
Healing Sessions: For support along the way
The Lineage of King Salomon gives us some incredible healing modalities. Here are some I recommend to support the work of the Alchemist: