Vibrational Sound Therapy

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Vibrational Sound Therapy (VST) uses Himalayan bowls played on and around the body to trigger deep levels of relaxation and brainwave entrainment. The hand-hammered therapy-grade bronze bowls and tuning forks conduct soothing vibrations into the body’s tissues to promote energy repair and rejuvenation.

Most people reach a deep state of relaxation quickly, even during their first session. Relaxation during a VST session creates brain states similar to those reached while practicing yoga, tai chi, and meditation.

The body goes through noticeable changes as it responds to deeper and deeper states of relaxation. The changes happen naturally as the session progresses and you change orientation on the table (typically starting face up, then transitioning to face down):

  • You may notice a kind of "softening” effect on your alertness and perception as you start to slip into the alpha brain wave pattern (daydreaming, pre-sleep) within the first few minutes.

  • You may also notice your breathing and heart rate start to slow as your body continues to absorb the sound waves.

  • In its relaxed state, your immune system ramps up and the body starts to repair itself. Your metabolism slows. Insulin levels rise. Cholesterol levels and blood pressure fall. Muscles lose tension. Arteries expand.

  • As the session progresses, your brain waves pass through Theta (meditation, sleep, and deep relaxation) and Delta (deep sleep, hypnosis, ritual) states.

50 minutes, $150; package of 3 save $45

Combine soundwave therapy with light therapy or meridian acupressure

To address deeper issues and for an even more restorative healing session, add a Laser Light Healing or Meridian Balancing + Acupressure session to your sound therapy.

75 minutes, $205; package of 3 save $75