This past weekend, the amazing Jules Annen wrote to me asking which crystals I recommend for Mercury Retrograde. So I zoomed in a bit, and started looking at where I’m working in my personal rituals and mediation. And, indeed, which crystals are calling to me. I figured many of you might have the same question, so I thought I’d share my response to her (which you can also find in a few days on her blog).
Crystals for Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio
For Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio, I’m working to reframe some of my disowned shadow qualities. I want to bring them to the surface, to the light, so I can meet them head-on and learn from them. Here are the 4 primary crystal assistants joining my altar this month to help me on my mission:
Angelite— for reviving the gifts and the connections I may have unintentionally allowed to flag or fizzle. For turning disorder into wholeness.
Rose quartz— for restoring confidence in myself when I’ve made decisions that haven’t worked the way I anticipated or expected. For purification and reassurance.
Tangerose quartz— for re-evaluating my weaknesses as areas of potential and undeveloped strengths. For courage and calm.
Shungite— for reframing polluted thoughts and old grievances. And as a powerful shield from wayward EMF frequencies!