Hermetic Aura Healing


This essential healing helps to protect and strengthen your energetic boundaries.

The aura (or “biofield”) is an extension of our physical anatomy that acts as an energetic skin to shield us from outside influences. Damage to the aura can occur as a result of exposure to the same substances and toxins that can negatively affect our physical body. (The most damaging tend to include alcohol, drugs, caffeine, sugar, and stress.)

This damage creates small holes or tears in the aura that allow energy to leak out, leaving us more vulnerable to negative/chaotic energy from the surrounding environment. That negative energy can affect us emotionally, mentally, and (if left unaddressed for too long) even show up as illness or disease.

The Hermetic Aura Healing fills those energetic holes to restore your energetic boundaries, making you less susceptible to environmental attack. With your boundaries reinforced, you can focus your energy on creating the kind of life you want to live.

45 minutes, $225