A Creative and Metaphysical Journey into Your Being
Join artist Marisa Kieselhorst and visiting healer Erin Anderson for a deeply explorative workshop.
[*NOTE: Choosing a package automatically enrolls you in the workshop. So you will choose ONLY the healing services during your registration process. Thank you!]
Join Marisa and Erin in a sacred space to:
- Learn tools and techniques for meditation that support and enhance your creative energy ...
- Take part in a unique, intuitive guided watercolor session
You'll leave with:
- A deeper connection to the altar that is You
- Meditation tools and techniques to enhance your unique creativity
- An appreciation for the incredible, real-life benefits of daily ritual
- An understanding of how and where crystals can fit into the bigger picture of self-healing
- A simple hermetic ritual for sanctifying and sealing your creative workspace
- Guided meditation for activating your intuition
- A crystal gift intuitively selected to amplify and support your intentions for the workshop--and beyond
- A braver, more approachable painting practice
- Art representing your experience and present approach
When, where and how much
- October 28, 2017
- 1:00-5:00 pm
- A beautiful coastal setting in Trinidad CA
- $80 per person (workshop only) OR ...
- Package offerings with healing sessions included, as shown above
@2017 Marisa Kieselhorts